DYKYN: Representative Art

In Do You Know Your Neighbors? (DYKYN), between 5 and 12 people play the role of a Kind, Wicked or Fickle neighbor. The object of the game is to resolve enough Situation Cards so that your team’s score pile has a total of 15 points. The catch, however, is that you do not know who is part of your team as all identities are hidden. Each resident has a vested interest in the town resolving situations their way. There is strength in numbers, so players must attempt to discover who among them is working for or against their efforts.

We wanted to display some art from the game that could be more easily viewed vs. what’s available in the rules.

We also wanted to pose a question on a possible direction for the art.
Please post a comment here and tell us what you think.

We’ve attached some Neighbor and Situation Cards.

You can see its game rules PDF or FAQ for more detailed information about the game.

Neighbor Cards

Each card’s layout has been changed to include attribute icons that clearly identify whether a person is wearing a hat, glasses or has facial hair. Some images weren’t 100% clear to play testers and the icons eliminate confusion.

We’ve added complementary rows of illustrated versions of the cards.
What do you think of them?

Kind Neighbor Interest: Fundraising

Kind Neighbor
Interest: Fundraising

Kind Neighbor Interest: Health

Kind Neighbor
Interest: Health

Kind Neighbor Interest: Health

Kind Neighbor
Interest: Health

Kind Neighbor Interest: Fundraising

Kind Neighbor
Interest: Fundraising

Kind Neighbor Interest: Health

Kind Neighbor
Interest: Health

Kind Neighbor Interest: Health

Kind Neighbor
Interest: Health

Fickle Neighbor Interest: Disaster

Fickle Neighbor
Interest: Disaster

Fickle Neighbor Interest: Fundraising

Fickle Neighbor
Interest: Fundraising

Fickle Neighbor Interest: Diplomacy

Fickle Neighbor
Interest: Diplomacy

Fickle Neighbor Interest: Disaster

Fickle Neighbor
Interest: Disaster

Fickle Neighbor Interest: Fundraising

Fickle Neighbor
Interest: Fundraising

Fickle Neighbor Interest: Diplomacy

Fickle Neighbor
Interest: Diplomacy

Wicked Neighbor Interest: Disaster

Wicked Neighbor
Interest: Disaster

Wicked Neighbor Interest: Fundraising

Wicked Neighbor
Interest: Fundraising

Wicked Neighbor Interest: Diplomacy

Wicked Neighbor
Interest: Diplomacy

Wicked Neighbor Interest: Disaster

Wicked Neighbor
Interest: Disaster

Wicked Neighbor Interest: Fundraising

Wicked Neighbor
Interest: Fundraising

Wicked Neighbor Interest: Diplomacy

Wicked Neighbor
Interest: Diplomacy

Situation Cards

Each card’s design and layout have been changed to incorporate more of the design elements (as seen in the Neighbor Cards) vs. the original version.

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