Archive for May 2012

Play Test #8: Turf Wars

It’s been a whole week since the last game. Shocking.

We’re taking a trip to Worcester today to see some friends who live there. Two of them have already played the game but we are introducing the game to someone new today. Yay! A fresh set of eyes.

In the process of playing we stumbled upon a bit of feedback regarding the priorities on the Action Cards and will implement that and test it out next time.

Action Cards
Action cards are how things are done in this game. Each round, the player with the First Turn Token (FTT), after the event is read and troops are added to the board, draws N (number of players) + 3 action cards. He selects the action that will be played for the round and passes the rest of the selected cards so that the rest of the players can choose their action.

Yes there is shuffle-randomness to what actions are available each round. This also introduces a little bit of an ability to be… cut-throaty and take an action you don’t even want to use just to screw over another player. Good times.

The actions are as follows with the following priorities:

  1. Place 2 defensive troops
  2. Troop Maneuvers
  3. Move to or Attack a Desert
  4. Move to or Attack a Forest
  5. Move to or Attack a Mountain
  6. Move to or Attack a Plains
  7. Move to or Attack a Sea
  8. Move to or Attack a Swamp
  9. Place 4 defensive troops

The feedback we received concerned the set priorities for Turf types. A desert always being a 3, etc., was favoring turf types over others because their numerical priority was based on alphabetical order.

In addition, the guy with the fresh set of eyes suggested perhaps adding teleporter-free movement around the board w/o using the current set of attack cards. That set off some discussion regarding how the game works, the intent of mechanics Josh and I put in play, etc. and in the end I took many notes on potential changes to implement and test.

It was a very productive day and the new person liked the game and looks forward to seeing it again after further progression.